Boveda Humi-Care Packets
Humi-Care and Boveda are 2 of the most trusted brands in the world of tobacco humidification. Now, they've teamed up to bring you the Humi-Care by Boveda humidification packets. The packets are super reliable and easy to use. Simply place the correct number of Humi-Care by Boveda packets inside your humidor to maintain a precise relative humidity. Within a closed desktop humidor Boveda maintains a predetermined level of (RH) by releasing or absorbing purified water-vapor—as needed—through the membrane. These amazing packs last around 2 months in an average humidor.
*MSRP stands for "manufacturer's suggested retail price," which is the price recommended by the manufacturer or exclusive distributor for retail sale. This suggested retail price, also referred to as the "list price," serves as a guideline for pricing the product.