The genius and talented creators at Drew Estate have taken tobacco blending to another level with their popular ACID cigars. Their unique infusion process gives each ACID cigar flavors unlike anything else in the industry. ACID cigars are handmade in Esteli, Nicaragua with top-shelf premium tobaccos, and then are infused to create the smooth flavors that have become favorites among cigar enthusiasts. Any of these premium cigar series are excellent including ACID Red, ACID Gold Holistics, ACID Purple Juggernaut, or ACID Blue Remi
The genius and talented creators at Drew Estate have taken tobacco blending to another level with their popular ACID cigars. Their unique infusion process gives each ACID cigar flavors unlike anything else in the industry. ACID cigars are handmade in Esteli, Nicaragua with top-shelf premium tobaccos, and then are infused to create the smooth flavors that have become favorites among cigar enthusiasts. Any of these premium cigar series are excellent including ACID Red, ACID Gold Holistics, ACID Purple Juggernaut, or ACID Blue Remi
- Toast (6.0" x 50)
- Extra Ordinary Larry (6.0" x 60)
- 1400cc (5.0" x 50)
- Cold Infusion (6.7" x 44)
- Krush (4.0" x 32) - Blue Connecticut
- Krush (4.0" x 32) - Gold Sumatra
- Krush (4.0" x 32) - Green Candela
- Krush (4.0" x 32) - Red Cameroon
- Atom Maduro (5.0" x 50)
- Blondie (4.0" x 38) - Maduro
- Blondie (4.0" x 38)
- Blondie (4.0" x 38) - Red Cameroon
- Blondie (4.0" x 38) - Green Candela
- Blondie (4.0" x 38) - Gold Sumatra
- Liquid (5.0" x 50)
- Earthiness (5.0" x 42)
- Kuba Kuba (5.0" x 54) - Maduro
- Roam (7.0" x 48)
- Deep Dish (5.0" x 58)
- Kuba Deluxe Tubos (6.0" x 50) - Sumatra
- Nasty (4.0" x 52)
- One (5.0" x 54)
- Kuba Kuba (5.0" x 54)
- Blondie Belicoso (5.0" x 54)
- Kuba Kuba (5.0" x 54) - Green Candela
- C-Notes (3.7" x 20) - C-NOTE
- Krush (4.0" x 32) - Morado Maduro
- Croqueta (2.5" x 50) - 2 Cigar Tubo