Cain Cigars are an innovation in powerhouse cigars from the masterminds at Studio Tobac. The original line, available in either Habano or maduro wrappers, is an exercise in strength. Blended with triple fermented ligero tobacco, these offer heavy spice, lots of body and a complex flavor unlike anything else out there. The Cain Daytona line uses a more refined Ligero tobacco for a slightly more subtle flavor, but still provides the smoothness and complexity you've come to know and love from Cain. The Cain F Series is the strongest Cain blend, and it's not for the faint-of-palate. A bold smoke full of strength and flavor, make sure to smoke this one on a full stomach!
Cain Cigars are an innovation in powerhouse cigars from the masterminds at Studio Tobac. The original line, available in either Habano or maduro wrappers, is an exercise in strength. Blended with triple fermented ligero tobacco, these offer heavy spice, lots of body and a complex flavor unlike anything else out there. The Cain Daytona line uses a more refined Ligero tobacco for a slightly more subtle flavor, but still provides the smoothness and complexity you've come to know and love from Cain. The Cain F Series is the strongest Cain blend, and it's not for the faint-of-palate. A bold smoke full of strength and flavor, make sure to smoke this one on a full stomach!
- Double Toro (6.0" x 60) - Habano
- Double Toro (6.0" x 60) - Maduro
- Robusto (5.7" x 50) - Habano
- Double Toro (6.0" x 60) - Habano 'F'
- 550 Tubo (5.7" x 50) - Habano
- Lancero (7.0" x 38) - Habano 'F'
- Robusto (5.7" x 50) - Maduro
- Robusto (5.7" x 50) - Habano 'F'
- Torpedo (6.0" x 54) - Habano 'F'