Handmade cigars are a pleasure that lots of people enjoy, but sometimes they can stretch the budget a little bit. You can solve that conundrum with Cuban Rounds. These hand-rolled cigars save you money by using short fillers but using a rolling method that ensures solid construction. You can choose from the original Cuban Rounds Natural with a Nicaraguan Habano wrapper, Cuban Rounds Connecticut with an Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper, or the rich Cuban Rounds Maduro with a dark Nicaraguan maduro capa.
Handmade cigars are a pleasure that lots of people enjoy, but sometimes they can stretch the budget a little bit. You can solve that conundrum with Cuban Rounds. These hand-rolled cigars save you money by using short fillers but using a rolling method that ensures solid construction. You can choose from the original Cuban Rounds Natural with a Nicaraguan Habano wrapper, Cuban Rounds Connecticut with an Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper, or the rich Cuban Rounds Maduro with a dark Nicaraguan maduro capa.