Gawith, Hoggarth & Co. is a traditional Lakeland tobacco manufacturer using time-honored methods. By employing pressing and twisting, they are able to deeply mature their tobaccos for robust flavor and a substantial nicotine content. Although they use some sweet flavorings like cherry and coconut, they are better known for old-fashioned and botanical dressings like licorice, rose, geranium and tonquin. Some people say that this scheme gives some of their tobaccos (like Ennerdale and Best Brown #2) a "soapy" flavor that they find distasteful while others love the savoriness of these unusual (for the U.S. market) scents. Most categories (Virginia, Virginia/Perique, English/Balkan Latakia style, Burley and aromatic) are covered by their product line, and their small-batch, hand-blended approach has led many pipe smokers to consider their tobaccos among the finest in the world.
Gawith, Hoggarth & Co. is a traditional Lakeland tobacco manufacturer using time-honored methods. By employing pressing and twisting, they are able to deeply mature their tobaccos for robust flavor and a substantial nicotine content. Although they use some sweet flavorings like cherry and coconut, they are better known for old-fashioned and botanical dressings like licorice, rose, geranium and tonquin. Some people say that this scheme gives some of their tobaccos (like Ennerdale and Best Brown #2) a "soapy" flavor that they find distasteful while others love the savoriness of these unusual (for the U.S. market) scents. Most categories (Virginia, Virginia/Perique, English/Balkan Latakia style, Burley and aromatic) are covered by their product line, and their small-batch, hand-blended approach has led many pipe smokers to consider their tobaccos among the finest in the world.