While many traditional cigar brands were introducing heavier, more full-bodied cigars to appeal to long-time cigar smokers, Helix Cigars were introduced in 2002 as a counterpoint to these brands. Helix Cigars offer a mellow, yet flavorful blend that appeals to the many cigar smokers who still prefer a smooth, easy-smoking cigar. When you light up a Helix, you will experience a smooth, consistent flavor that is never harsh and is always satisfying. No matter what time of day you smoke one. Helix cigars are well-rounded, gentle, aromatic, and flavorful. These tasty premiums are offered at affordable prices from your friends at P&C.
While many traditional cigar brands were introducing heavier, more full-bodied cigars to appeal to long-time cigar smokers, Helix Cigars were introduced in 2002 as a counterpoint to these brands. Helix Cigars offer a mellow, yet flavorful blend that appeals to the many cigar smokers who still prefer a smooth, easy-smoking cigar. When you light up a Helix, you will experience a smooth, consistent flavor that is never harsh and is always satisfying. No matter what time of day you smoke one. Helix cigars are well-rounded, gentle, aromatic, and flavorful. These tasty premiums are offered at affordable prices from your friends at P&C.