Eddie Ortega has spent many years in the cigar industry, making a huge variety of premium cigars that have been enjoyed by millions of smokers all over the world. His latest venture is his self-named company that has made a huge splash in the relatively short time the brand has been on the market. His initial release, the Serie D, garnered big-time praise from critics, bloggers, and regular smokers alike. It's going to be very exciting to see what Mr. Ortega comes up with next - one thing you can be sure of is that it'll be a high-quality, expertly blended premium smoke.
Eddie Ortega has spent many years in the cigar industry, making a huge variety of premium cigars that have been enjoyed by millions of smokers all over the world. His latest venture is his self-named company that has made a huge splash in the relatively short time the brand has been on the market. His initial release, the Serie D, garnered big-time praise from critics, bloggers, and regular smokers alike. It's going to be very exciting to see what Mr. Ortega comes up with next - one thing you can be sure of is that it'll be a high-quality, expertly blended premium smoke.