P&C's Battle of the Blends pits two tobaccos against each other, and you get to vote for your favorite by submitting a review. Best of all, you get both tobaccos at a bargain price. We'll tabulate the votes and announce the winner at a later time.
With a name like Big Bulk Burley Battle, you know that we did put all the stops on which two pipe blends needed to be paired together. For your enjoyment we have DR Two Timer Regular, a double-toasted Burley and PS 702 Burley, which is straight Burley processed in the Cavendish menthod. Both have tasting notes that make them unique and bold and why we had to pair them together. So with your help, get both of these tobaccos at a great price and smoke them side-by-side. Then tell us who the winner of the Big Bulk Burley Battle should be.
Big Bulk Burley Battle Bout includes:
(1) 3oz Bag of Peter Stokkebye 702 Burley
(1) 3oz Bag of Daughters & Ryan Two Time Regular
*MSRP stands for "manufacturer's suggested retail price," which is the price recommended by the manufacturer or exclusive distributor for retail sale. This suggested retail price, also referred to as the "list price," serves as a guideline for pricing the product.