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Brigadier Black: The Ultimate Pouch Sampler


Brigadier Black: The Ultimate Pouch Sampler is exactly how it sounds, an ultimate sampler. With this, you get not three, not four, but six pouches of the popular Brigadier Black aromatic pipe tobaccos. This line was only supposed to be around for a short time but you asked and we went to work. But why stop there? Here at P&C, we aim to over-deliver and exceed expectations, hence the creation of this outrageous sampler. Included is Brigadier Black Alamo - an-all day aromatic, Antietam - a bite-free black cherry flavor, Bull Run - a mellow vanilla blend, Gettysburg - sweet summertime peach, Sherman's March - a traditional American rum maple blend, and Waterloo - a golden Burley blend to smoke around the clock. To put it over the edge you get all of these 1.5oz pouches at well over 30% off MSRP! Make sure to add these fine blends to your rotation today!

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*MSRP stands for "manufacturer's suggested retail price," which is the price recommended by the manufacturer or exclusive distributor for retail sale. This suggested retail price, also referred to as the "list price," serves as a guideline for pricing the product.

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Brigadier Black: The Ultimate Pouch Sampler
Pipe Tobacco Sampler
In Stock
| SAVE $18 | 34% OFF
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  • These items cannot be shipped to a Washington or Maine state address.
  • These items cannot be shipped to Massachusetts state addresses.