Cuban Honeys
If you enjoy flavored cigars, do we have a treat for you - introducing Cuban Honeys!
These tasty morsels are hand-made in the Dominican Republic by La Aurora using Cuban-seed tobaccos, and finished by applying tantalizing all-natural flavors. Even better is that these aromatic gems are priced very nicely.
Coffee: Real coffee flavor is combined with the essence of sweet cream which gives this cigar a flavor that's smooth and comforting.
Southern Gentleman: Rich vanilla is combined with exotic fruit and a light touch of Bourbon to give Country Gentleman a unique, pleasantly-sweet flavor.
Cherry: Cherry is one of the most popular flavors for aromatic cigars, and this isn't the sharp, artificial type of cherry flavor, but more of a dark cherry with more finesse.
Dr. Kocher: This zesty, lively flavor is reminiscent of a very popular soda flavor that includes a combination of cherry, vanilla, almond and others. It's like having a soda without the calories or the belching.
Drunken Truffle: Here's a completely different flavor combination which includes coconut, chocolate, Irish cream, warm vanilla and whiskey - smooth, sweet and delightfully boozy.
Honey: Few flavors are more popular in aromatic cigars than honey, and this uses an essence of superior honey that will lightly linger on the palate.
Vanilla: This is an exceptionally smooth and rich vanilla flavor, which combines beautifully with the natural sweetness of the cigar itself.
*MSRP stands for "manufacturer's suggested retail price," which is the price recommended by the manufacturer or exclusive distributor for retail sale. This suggested retail price, also referred to as the "list price," serves as a guideline for pricing the product.