Flor de Oliva Gold
The Flor De Oliva Gold is a mellow cigar made by the Oliva family. This bundled cigar is hand rolled using a Nicaraguan long filler just like all other Oliva cigars. The Oliva family takes pride in offering a well constructed cigar, and the Flor De Oliva Gold does not disappoint. The Flor De Oliva is wrapped in an Ecuadorian Connecticut shade wrapper. The wrapper has a nice shine to it and produces a sweet, creamy flavor. The filler and binder are Nicaraguan tobaccos. As with all Oliva cigars the construction is perfect. This firm cigar burns evenly making it a pleasurable smoke. The creamy flavor of the wrapper is balanced with hints of toast and a minor spice from the Nicaraguan filler. The Flor De Oliva Gold is offered in 4 different sizes. The price tag on these cigars makes them perfect for everyday smokes. The subtle flavor is ideal for an early morning smoke with a cup of coffee. Try one out and you might be pleasantly surprised.
*MSRP stands for "manufacturer's suggested retail price," which is the price recommended by the manufacturer or exclusive distributor for retail sale. This suggested retail price, also referred to as the "list price," serves as a guideline for pricing the product.