Hearth & Home BlackHouse
The second entry to the Hearth & Home Marquee series is the blend that drew attention to these tobaccos - BlackHouse.
In 2011, our master blender was asked to submit an entry in the Balkan Sobranie 759 Throwdown at the Chicagoland Pipe and Tobacciana Show. Based upon a 23-year-old sample, he developed his blend in a relatively short amount of time and sent it in. When the judging was complete, BlackHouse had won, and people have made it one of our best sellers ever since.
Like Balkan Sobranie 759, BlackHouse contains a good amount of Latakia, bright, fragrant, Orientals, sweet Virginias and a touch of dark-fired Kentucky. To help simulate the effects of long-term aging, he included a bit of Perique and unflavored black Cavendish.
Try the blend that put the Hearth & Home Marquee Series on the map. Once you've tried BlackHouse, you'll never want to be without some in your cellar.
*MSRP stands for "manufacturer's suggested retail price," which is the price recommended by the manufacturer or exclusive distributor for retail sale. This suggested retail price, also referred to as the "list price," serves as a guideline for pricing the product.