Joya de Nicaragua Antaño 1970
The JDN Antaño was one of the cigars that ushered in the era of rich and powerful smokes to the US market. Introduced not long after the new millennium arrived, these Nicaraguan puros were unlike any cigars sold here since the 1970s. Featuring a Cuban seed Criollo wrapper with a reddish color and oily sheen, these powerhouses give you a good hint of whats coming with just a sniff of the unlit foot. Upon lighting, the flavors flood your palate- leather, wood, earth and a liberal dose of spice (black and red pepper and a little allspice). Since these vitolas are rolled entubar (the filler leaves are overlapped and rolled into a tube shape rather than folding the leaves into a bunch), they burn quite slowly (expect up to 2 hours with some of the larger shapes) and the burn is good, but due to the thicker, more leathery wrappers, an occasional touch-up may be necessary. Its easy to tell when someone is smoking an Antaño because the aroma is unique and wonderful to smell. If youre looking for a spicy, rich cigar that demands your attention, this could be it.
*MSRP stands for "manufacturer's suggested retail price," which is the price recommended by the manufacturer or exclusive distributor for retail sale. This suggested retail price, also referred to as the "list price," serves as a guideline for pricing the product.