Missouri Meerschaum Ultimate Intro Sampler
Missouri Meerschaum corn cob pipes have been part of pipe smoking since just after the end of the Civil War. Among the reasons that they're still going strong is that they are affordable, dependable products that can be enjoyed all day, every day.
Now, they have a line of pipe tobaccos that represent the same principles - blends that suit a wide range of tastes, with superb quality, at a price that makes them an economical addition to your rotation. the names of the blends were derived from model names of Missouri Meerschaum pipes. So we thought that a great way to try the blends and expand your rotation all at the same time would be to offer you a sampler containing one of each of these tasty new blends, along with a variety of four pipes.
The following tobacco pouches are included...
~ American Patriot (a Latakia blend with a hint of Bourbon)
~ Great Dane (a rich and smooth aromatic)
~ Missouri Pride (a premium quality natural Burley/Virginia blend)
~ Country Gentleman (bright and red Virginias, enriched with Perique and dark-fired Kentucky)
**Pipe and stem selection may vary from what you see in the picture
*MSRP stands for "manufacturer's suggested retail price," which is the price recommended by the manufacturer or exclusive distributor for retail sale. This suggested retail price, also referred to as the "list price," serves as a guideline for pricing the product.