One of the most prolific cigar manufacturers in the world, Gurkha is always innovating and searching for the next big thing in the cigar world. From their rich, strong blends to their signature packaging unlike anything else in the world of cigars, Gurkha's legions of loyal fans have made their brands a staple in humidors everywhere. With so many different smokes to choose from like Beauty, Beast, Hudson Bay, Ghost and more, there is a perfect Gurkha cigar for every smoker!
Within the Gurkha Family are cigars and pipe tobaccos under the East India Trading Company name. These are singular items that are at the intersection of innovation and value.
One of the most prolific cigar manufacturers in the world, Gurkha is always innovating and searching for the next big thing in the cigar world. From their rich, strong blends to their signature packaging unlike anything else in the world of cigars, Gurkha's legions of loyal fans have made their brands a staple in humidors everywhere. With so many different smokes to choose from like Beauty, Beast, Hudson Bay, Ghost and more, there is a perfect Gurkha cigar for every smoker!
Within the Gurkha Family are cigars and pipe tobaccos under the East India Trading Company name. These are singular items that are at the intersection of innovation and value.