Leaf by Oscar is a series of Honduran cigars available with four different wrappers - Connecticut, Corojo, Maduro, and Sumatra. They come in mazos of 20 cigars with each individual cigar wrapped in a natural cigar leaf, rather than the traditional cellophane. Whether it's for reducing the use of plastic, or just clever marketing, you have to admit that it's a neat idea. Underneath that protective leaf are well-made, flavorful handmade cigars that will make you want to stock up your humidor.
Leaf by Oscar is a series of Honduran cigars available with four different wrappers - Connecticut, Corojo, Maduro, and Sumatra. They come in mazos of 20 cigars with each individual cigar wrapped in a natural cigar leaf, rather than the traditional cellophane. Whether it's for reducing the use of plastic, or just clever marketing, you have to admit that it's a neat idea. Underneath that protective leaf are well-made, flavorful handmade cigars that will make you want to stock up your humidor.