CAO Flavours Cigars
CAO, the makers of some of the most highly-acclaimed cigars in the world took the world of flavor-infused cigars by storm when they introduced the Flavours series. This line was one of the first to combine hand-rolled long-filler cigars with rich, intriguing flavors - perfect for anyone who enjoys aromatic pipe tobacco.
Eileen’s Dream is a flavor-imbued premium cigar that features a combination of Irish Cream and white chocolate truffles.
Bella Vanilla uses the highest quality vanilla beans from Madagascar. The amazing flavors of the vanilla beans in these CAO cigars are blended with the rich Cuban seed tobaccos. The result is the perfect balance of rich flavor of a great vanilla cigar and an intoxicating aroma.
Gold Honey cigar uses the highest quality of orange blossom honey in the world. This honey cigar is derived from a singular floral honey that is from the finest orange groves in Florida.
Moontrance is an intricate and unique blend of 100% all-natural exotic fruit and bourbon vanilla extracts. Bourbon vanilla is a type of vanilla bean renowned for its caramel-like sweetness is married with ripe Georgia peach nectar and then mixed with other organic fruit extracts.
Cherrybomb is a unique type of cherry aromatic. It starts with a quality Cameroon wrapper and Nicaraguan fillers that are gently flavored using a zesty cherry flavor which is softened with a creamy vanilla note for a wonderful aroma and a subtle flavor.
*MSRP stands for "manufacturer's suggested retail price," which is the price recommended by the manufacturer or exclusive distributor for retail sale. This suggested retail price, also referred to as the "list price," serves as a guideline for pricing the product.