Davidoff Luxury Pipe Tobacco Sampler
When it comes to premium tobacco products, no name says luxury more than Davidoff. In this sampler, you'll find a variety of superb pipe tobaccos that cover almost all the genres. There will be at least one new favorite in this collection.
The Davidoff Luxury Pipe Tobacco Sampler includes:
1 - Davidoff Scottish Mixture Pipe Tobacco 1.76oz Tin
1 - Davidoff Danish Mixture Pipe Tobacco 1.76oz Tin
1 - Davidoff English Mixture Pipe Tobacco 1.76oz Tin
1 - Davidoff Royalty Pipe Tobacco 1.76oz Tin
1 - Davidoff Flake Medallions 1.76oz Tin
*MSRP stands for "manufacturer's suggested retail price," which is the price recommended by the manufacturer or exclusive distributor for retail sale. This suggested retail price, also referred to as the "list price," serves as a guideline for pricing the product.