Davidoff Nicaragua
When Davidoff decided to put their name on a full-bodied cigar, they weren't going to do it just to make it strong. It had to hold up to the standard that the White Label set decades ago when they were made in Cuba. To get the quality, flavor and richness that the project demanded, they looked to Nicaragua.
Davidoff Nicaragua is visually striking, highlighted by a coppery-hued Rosado wrapper that has been aged 10 years. Underneath is a binder from the Jalapa region, with filler coming from Esteli, Condega and the volcanic island of Ometepe. From the appearance, to the flavor and the flawless draw and construction. this is Davidoff all the way, but with robust body.
You'll notice perfectly balanced notes of roasted coffee, some leather, sweet wood and rich spice. Now that you have the facts, don't you think that it's time to try the bolder side of Davidoff?
*MSRP stands for "manufacturer's suggested retail price," which is the price recommended by the manufacturer or exclusive distributor for retail sale. This suggested retail price, also referred to as the "list price," serves as a guideline for pricing the product.