La Gloria Cubana (Original)
La Gloria Cubana's uncompromisingly bold flavor is sought out by those who value rich taste and expert craftsmanship. Created by Ernesto Perez-Carrillo as a tribute to a favored Cuban brand. The cigars are made with a broad selection of tobaccos from around the world. The naturals have notes of leather and wood with plenty of spice and a touch of sweetness for great balance. The maduros up the sweetness and bring in notes of cocoa and coffee and just enough spice to keep it lively. No matter which of these legendary cigars you choose, you're sure to be satisfied with La Gloria Cubana.
*MSRP stands for "manufacturer's suggested retail price," which is the price recommended by the manufacturer or exclusive distributor for retail sale. This suggested retail price, also referred to as the "list price," serves as a guideline for pricing the product.